It seems I spoke too soon last week when I stated that Clare was yet to respond to my advice with regards to her relationship with her insecure boyfriend:
From: "Clare Knight" {}
Subject: RE: You Obviously Need A Better Boyfriend
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 18:06:49 +1000
You don't know who you are fucking with, so I suggest you shut your fucking mouth and get a life, you desperate dirty mother fucker. I never gave you my e-mail so maybe this will teach you a lesson. Keep going dickhead and I suggest you watch your back... or you'll know what being a poofta feels like.
Nice try, Clare, you almost did it this time but you just had to go and misspell “poofter”. Really, did it save you that much time and effort to type just one less character? It’s just sloppiness, pure and simple. I must admit, though, it was a pretty good effort using the word “fuck” three times in the same sentence, each with different semantics.
Now, let’s evaluate these little statements of yours:
Overall, I’m going to give your message 5 out of 10 but mostly because of its entertainment value. Better luck next time.